Update Call Details
ADMIN ONLY: We'll close this lead and email the person to let them know that it's been cancelled.
ADMIN ONLY: We'll close this lead but won't email the client
ADMIN ONLY: We'll add a note and nothing will be sent to the client
Dial the client
ADMIN NOTE - Here's your voicemail script:
Hey 1,
This is Iain from Hugster Family Photography. You've filled out our online form to win a family portrait experience with us.
I am so excited to let you know that we have selected you as one of our finalists this month.
We've selected five families for our shortlist and just need to have a quick chat with each of you before we select a winner in a few days time.
Please give me a call as soon as possible so we can go over the details and get you booked in.
You can reach me on 0489 912 602
Again this is Iain from Hugster and I can't wait to speak with you.
Hey 1,
This is Iain from Hugster Family Photography.
I'm just trying to get in touch with you about the family portrait gift certificate we're giving away this week.
You're one of five finalists to receive the gift certificate, and I'm hoping to chat briefly with each of you before we give it away, to ask you a few quick questions and give you a chance to ask me questions.
Please call me back on 0489 912 602 as soon as possible.
Again this is Iain from Hugster and I can't wait to speak with you.
(Don't leave a voicemail. Move the lead to "No Answer - 3rd Contact" so the CRM will send a text and email. They don't need a voicemail too)
ADMIN NOTE - Here's your voicemail script:
Hey 1,
This is Iain from Hugster Family Photography.
Please give me a call as soon as possible.
You can reach me on 0489 912 602
Again this is Iain from Hugster and I can't wait to speak with you.
ADMIN NOTE: This will close the lead. No notification will be sent to the client.
ADMIN NOTE: We'll close this lead and email the person to let them know that a) their phone number was wrong and b) their options are to call us or schedule a new call.
"Hi ______, this is Iain calling from Hugster Family Photography. I'm calling you because you filled in our form about having a family portrait experience with us.
I selected you as one of our finalists because _______(lead with their why)
Do you have a few minutes to chat so you can tell me more about ___________ and what these portraits would mean to you?
NOTE: Their 'why' answer was:
Not provided
Hi, it's _________ from Hugster Family Photography. Is now a good time to talk?
ADMIN NOTE: Just thank them for their time and end the call.
Then, submit this form and the lead will be closed so we don't contact them again.
I'd love to chat with you, but let's do it at a time when it's a bit easier. When is a better time to talk?
2) Introduce Hugster
Firstly, thanks for getting involved in the ____________________ project.
This call is to tell you a little bit more about what we do, ask you some questions about your family, and work out if we’re a good match for this project. After all the calls, the plan is to go through our notes together and call the selected families back.
Firstly, a little bit about us. We've been photographing families for over a decade, focusing on natural images full of personality, and we use what our kids call "Photo games" to do that. And we run a project like this roughly once each year, to stay fresh and to experiment with new ideas. This time, we're really focusing on ____________________.
The upside of being involved in this project is that you don't pay our session fee and you also get a $200 gift certificate to put towards any of our products (and I'll go through our products and prices in a minute). The session fee is normally $200, and that pays for our time to plan the session, shoot it for you, and the colour-correction of the images. On this project, we're doing all of that for free as a thankyou for letting us play with new ideas. For example, we might try a new photo game and learn quickly that it's not a keeper!
"OK, what do you know about us so far (so I can help you fill in the gaps)?"
... (then do the following, adjusted based on their answer)
- Introduce the studio and what you specialise in
- Explain what they get if they book a session at the moment (including any current offers)
- Say "I'd love to ask a few questions so I can give you an exact quote
... and then proceed with the questions below
"I'd love to know why now is a great time to do a portrait session for your family"
Ask compelling question based on their why answer (below)
Have you had a professional photo shoot before? What was the experience like? Who was involved? What did you purchase?
3) Learn a bit about the family
Can you tell me a little bit about each of the kids (their names, ages and what they’re into)? What makes them laugh?
Let's start with your eldest.
Is it just you and the kid(s), or do you have a partner too? What's his/her name?
What do you like to do together as a family when you have time off together?
We really see our job as capturing how you feel about each other rather than just what you look like. Can you tell me a bit about some of those one-on-one relationships within your family?
This can be a great opportunity to get some beautiful photos with the grandparents. If you've got a dog they're also absolutely welcome too.
If you had a Hugster portrait session, who would you like to include?
Walls and products intro
If this went really well and we ended up with a set of beautiful pictures (we will!), which wall in your home would you like to display them on?
We’ve invested in some great software which can superimpose images from your session onto a photo of your wall, to make it easy for you to choose the perfect size, finish and layout. Whatever you choose, our wall art products all come ready to hang with no homework required.
Our wall art range includes Gallery-wrap Canvas, Custom Frames and Raw Timber Panels, and the prices are all the same. Do you have a preference?
Quote a specific product
If I was on the other side of this phone call, I’d want to know whether I was talking to a $200 studio or a $20,000 studio. We’re deliberately not cheap, because we want to use the best suppliers, the best materials and take the time to really do this right for you, but we aim to be great value too.
Most people go for a wall collection, and that’s what our photography style suits best, so we’ve focused on making those flexible and great.
As an example, a collection of three finished wall prints would be $1590 (or $xx with your voucher applied) and that includes a matching digital copy of each of those images. We also have payment plans available which would turn that into around $100/month. There are lots of options above and below that one, but as an example, how does that sound?
$1390 = $250 deposit plus 106.37/month (12mths)
You can of course buy wall prints individually too. They range from $550 to $1590, which is a big range of numbers but obviously it's a big range in sizes too.
If you don't have the space or budget for a collection at the moment, another good option is mounted prints. These are available individually for $290 each or in collections starting at $1170 for five. They have mounting to protect the image and are a standard size so you could frame them easily if you wanted to. How does that sound?
I promised earlier to let you ask some questions :), so .... what can I clarify for you about how this all works?
In general we find that most of our clients spend between $850 to $1000 depending on how many images they fall in love with.
We have clients who spend a lot more than this, but we have no minimum requirements, you'll only purchase what you love.
The Close
Well, that's all of my questions. I'm excited to see what type of pictures we can create out of all of that!
The next step is to schedule a zoom planning with the family to collaborate and make the perfect plan together. We are quite busy at the moment but let me see what we have available.
(Suggest two specific dates/times for a planning appointment)
Which of those works best for you?
Thanks so much. That's all of my questions!
Your gift certificate is valid for ______ months, so have a think about when the perfect time for a session would be, and feel free to call us at any time before then to start planning together. I hope to hear from you soon!
Well, that's all of my questions. I'm excited to see what type of pictures we can create out of all of that!
It sounds to me like we're really well suited to each other, so I'd love to help you make this happen and get it off your to-do list!
Does that sound good?
Thanks so much. That's all of my questions!
Rather than bombarding you with more info and questions, I'm going to give you some time to think and plan.
Have a think about when the perfect time for a session would be, and feel free to call us at any time before then to start planning together. I hope to hear from you soon!
I was planning to call everybody, review the notes and then call the selected families back, but ... it sounds like we've got a really similar idea of what a great portrait looks like, and your answers were great, so I'm going to end up calling you anyway!
So, I'd love to save us both a phone call and offer you a session right now ... if you'd like one?
Thanks so much. That's all of my questions!
We've got some more calls to finish and then we'll go through all of the notes and call the selected families back.
We're looking for a variety of shoots, personalities, locations etc, so it's going to come down to luck a little bit. I hope we speak again soon.
No problems. I'm sorry to hear that, but honestly I understand that it's just not always the right timing a portrait experience like this, and I hope that we hear from you one day in the future.
Have a great day and thanks for your time.
ADMIN NOTE: This lead will be closed and recorded as "Client Declined" OR if the client has explicitly said that they'd like to consider a shoot at a later date, "Client Declined (for now)".
The only difference is whether or not they'll remain on the mailing list.
No problems. Take a few days, and I can give you a call to see what you've decided. What's your availability like over the next few days?
ADMIN NOTE: If the client is not willing to agree to a SCHEDULED follow-up time, the lead will be closed and recorded as Not Suitable.
99.9% of people don't call back unless it's scheduled, so we'd rather save you some time and headspace 🙂
All we need to do next is to schedule a Planning Appointment for you, where we'll work out the perfect shoot date, time, location and really personalise your portrait experience to suit you perfectly.
The next available spot is on ___________. Would that work for you?
I'm sorry to hear that, but I understand that we're not a perfect fit for everybody, and I'd honestly prefer to have an open chat before booking and find that out, rather than waste your time or have you come in and not enjoy the experience. Thanks so much for getting in touch and I hope we can help you in future sometime!
I'm sorry to hear that, but I understand that we're not a perfect fit for everybody, and I'd honestly prefer to have an open chat before booking and find that out, rather than waste your time or have you come in and not enjoy the experience. Thanks so much for getting in touch and if you change your mind I hope we can help you in future sometime!